My Favorite Murder Reading List
My Favorite Murder reading list that features key books used in episodes throughout the show. Dive deeper into your favorite stories. Updated weekly!

One cannot talk about the world of true-crime podcasts without mentioning My Favorite Murder. Starting in 2016, My Favorite Murder catapulted to the top as a hit true-crime comedy podcast. Hosts Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark have continued to foster a community of Murderinos, where mental health awareness and activism are at the forefront.
This My Favorite Murder reading list is a compilation of books used as sources throughout the show. While we’re continuing to add historical sources, this MFM reading list is regularly updated with books featured in episodes released each week.
Search by episode number, episode name, or subject matter to dive deeper into topics covered on the show.
Let Me Explain Nothing
Episode 431
Host: Karen
A Shot in the Moonlight, by Ben Montgomery
Here's Your Reward
Episode 430
Host: Karen
Symbolism of Richard Dadd, by Peter Ogwen Jones
The Late Richard Dadd, 1817-1886, by Patricia Allderidge
Broadmoor Revealed: Victorian Crime and the Lunatic Asylum, by Mark Stevens
Flip That Board
Episode 428
Host: Georgia
Shallow Graves: The Hunt for the New Bedford Highway Killer, by Maureen Boyle
Audacity on Tap
Episode 424
Host: Georgia
The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Crimes, by Michael Newton
I Wish You Hadn't Told Me That
Episode 422
Host: Karen
Victorian Murders, by Jan Bondeson
Be a Better You
Episode 415
Host: Karen
A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II, by Sonia Purnell
Smooth As A Cucumber
Episode 412
Host: Karen
Deliberate Cruelty, by Roseanne Montillo
A Crazy Thing Called Love: The Golden World and Fatal Marriage of Ann and Billy Woodward, by Susan Braudy
The Bossy One
Episode 410
Host: Karen
Leavenworth Seven: The Deadly 1931 Prison Break, by Kenneth LaMaster
You Were Exactly Right
Episode 409
Host: Georgia
Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death, by Lillian Faderman
Turn It Forward
Episode 408
Host: Karen
Italian Sketches: The Faces of Modern Italy, by Deirdre Pirro
Skippers' Paradise
Episode 407
Host: Georgia
The Mother of All Lies: The Casey Anthony Story, by David Kennedy
Thanks, Smart People
Episode 405
Host: Karen
From a Whisper to A Rallying Cry, by Paula Yoo
How Does Gambling Work?
Episode 404
Host: Georgia
Sonny Liston: The Champ Nobody Wanted, by A.S. “Doc” Young
The Murder of Sonny Liston: Las Vegas, Heroin, and Heavyweights, by Shaun Assael
Host: Karen
Last Dance, Last Chance, by Ann Rule
Thrive & Survive
Episode 403
Host: Georgia
The Surgeon of Crowthorne, by Simon Winchester
Staunch Women
Episode 402
Host: Georgia
The Premonition Poisoner: The True Story of Serial Killer Tillie Klimek, by Charlese Ellis
Keep A Lid on It
Episode 401
Host: Karen
Ten Days in a Mad-House, by Nellie Bly
Nellie Bly: Daredevil, Reporter, Feminist, by Brooke Kroeger
A Jack Ruby Type
Episode 399
Host: Georgia
Diamond Doris, by Doris Payne and Zelda Lockhart
Doers of Knowing
Episode 397
Host: Georgia
Cult of the Great Eleven, by Samuel Fort
It's Not a Meeting
Episode 393
Host: Georgia
Sympathy Vote: A Reinvestigation of the Valerie Percy Murder, by Glenn Wall
Zodiac Maniac: The Secret History of the Zodiac Killer, by Glenn Wall
Adult Hands and Adult Brain
Episode 391
Host: Georgia
The Silent Twins, by Marjorie Wallace
Cow Women
Episode 390
Host: Karen
Charity, by Jim Carrier
Host: Georgia
Frontier Madam: The Life of Dell Burke, Lady of Lusk, by June Read
Cocaine Shark
Episode 387
Host: Karen
Night of the Grizzlies, by Jack Olsen
FOMO is Ancient
Episode 386
Host: Karen
San Francisco Homicide Inspector 5-Henry-7: My Inside Story of the Night Stalker, City Hall Murders, Zebra Killings, Chinatown Gang Wars, and a City Under Siege, by Frank Falzon
This One's for Steven
Episode 384
Host: Karen
The Deadly Soap-Maker of Correggio: The True Story of Leonarda Cianciulli a Superstitious Mother Who Turned Victims Into Soaps and Cakes (True Crime Explicit Vol 6), by Genoveva Ortiz
Serial Killers, by Joni Johnston
Under Underpants
Episode 382
Host: Karen
Queen Victoria & the Stalker: The Strange Story of the Boy Jones, by Jan Bondeson
Alcoholic Pickle
Episode 379
Host: Karen
Dying for Chocolate, by Kerry Segrave
Gloved Hand Gesture
Episode 378
Host: Karen
In Defense of Our Neighbors: The Walt and Milly Woodward Story, by Mary Woodward
Emotional Money Booth
Episode 374
Host: Karen
18 Tiny Deaths, by Bruce Goldfarb
Math With Karen and Georgia
Episode 372
Host: Karen
An Odd Kind of Fame, by Malcolm MacMillan
Blizzard Hotline
Episode 369
Host: Karen
Blood of the Prophets, by Will Bagley
Massacre at Mountain Meadows, by Ronald W. Walker, Richard E. Turley Jr, and Glen M. Leonard
High-Fives With Both Hands
Episode 367
Host: Georgia
43. Like Magic” from Supernatural: 300 Horror Stories, Mysteries and Urban Legends, by Cael Novak (pages 52-53)
You Don't Ever Know
Episode 365
Host: Karen
The Great Crimes of San Francisco, by Thomas S. Duke
American Murder: Criminals, Crimes, and the Media, by Mike Mayo
The B-I
Episode 364
Host: Karen
Ma Barker: America’s Most Wanted Mother, by Chris Enns and Howard Kanzanjian
Public Enemies: America's Criminal Past, 1919-1940, by William Helmer and Rick Mattix
Alvin Karpis and the Barker Gang in Minnesota, by Deborah Frethem and Cynthia Schreiner Smith
A Generous Number of Apples
Episode 362
Host: Karen
America's first Olympics: the St. Louis games of 1904, by George Matthews
A Socially Awkward Person's Great Idea
Episode 358
Host: Karen
If You Tell, by Gregg Olsen
High-Five Halloween
Episode 351
Host: Georgia
The Great Famine: Northern Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century, by William C. Jordan
The Third Horseman: Climate Change and the Great Famine of the 14th Century, by William Rosen
From the Brink of the Apocalypse, by John Aberth
Old Biscuit
Episode 348
Host: Karen
All About History: Book of The Titanic
Fistful of Butter
Episode 346
Host: Karen
Destroying the World to Save it, by Robert Jay Lifton
Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche, by Haruki Murakami
Congrats to Australia
Episode 345
Host: Karen
Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism, by James W. Loewen
Catfish Your Friends
Episode 340
Host: Karen
My Sister Milly, by Gemma Dowler
Tenfold More Murder: Part 1 & 2
Episodes 321 & 322
Death in the Air, by Kate Winkler-Dawson
Full Metal Recovery
Episode 290
Host: Karen
Crate Escape, by Brian Robson